| 1. | He has been blocked indefinitely before because of his disruptive actions.
| 2. | History of disruptive action, or lack of it, YES, of course.
| 3. | I propose that this person be banned for his disruptive actions.
| 4. | These disruptive actions are making it impossible to move forward on editting the article.
| 5. | But there could be more disruptive actions as well.
| 6. | This was, is, and will continue to be a disruptive action until it is stopped.
| 7. | Closing as " No consensus " would have been the least disruptive action to take.
| 8. | There veterans, along with discontented urban elements, formed a nucleus of malcontents ripe for disruptive action.
| 9. | Tactics included sit-ins, disruptive actions and street confrontations.
| 10. | The account is also obviously being used to perform disruptive actions not sanctioned by any policy.